1. Untouchability among Non-Hindus 2. Untouchability among Hindus 3. Why do the Untouchables Live Outside the Village? 4. Are the Untouchables Broken Men? 5. Are there Parallel Cases? 6. How Did Separate Settlements For Broken Men Disappear Elsewhere? 7. Racial Difference as the Origin of Untouchability 8. Occupational Origin of Untouchability 9. Contempt For Buddhists as the Roots of Untouchability 10. Beef Eating as the Root of Untouchability 11. Did The Hindus Never Eat Beef? 12. Why Did Non-Brahmins Give up Beef-Eating? 13. What Made the Brahmins Become Vegeterian? 14. Why Should Beef-Eating Make Broken Men Untouchables? 15. The Impure and the Untouchables 16. When Did Broken Men Become Untouchables?