1. India and the World 2. Northern India: Age of the Three Empire (800-1000) 3. South India: The Chola Empire (900-1200) 4. Economic and Social Life, Education and Religious Beliefs (800-1200) 5. The Age of Conflict (Circa 1000-1200) 6. The Delhi Sultanat - I (Circa 1200-1300) 7. The Delhi Sultanat - II (Circa 1300-1400) 8. Government, and Economic and Social Life under the Delhi Sultanat 9. The Age of Vijayanagara and the Bahmanids, and the Coming of the Portuguese (Circa 13500-1565) 10. Struggle for Empire in North India - I (Circa 1400-1525) 11. Cultural Development in India (1200-1500) 12. Struggle for Empire in North India - II Mughals and Afghans (1525-1555) 13. Consolidation of the Mughal Empire Age of Akbar 14. The Deccan and South India (Up to 1656) 15. India in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century 16. Economic and Social Life under the Mughals 17. Cultural and Religious Developments 18. Climax and Disintegration of the Mughal Empire - I 19. Climate and Disintegration of the Mughal Empire - II