Part I: Berlin in Context 1. "Two Concepts of Liberty" in Context 2. In Defence of Berlin: A Reply to James Tully Part II: Rethinking "Positive" and "Negative" Freedom 3. Defending Isaiah Berlin's Distinctions between Positive and Negative Freedoms 4. Freedom, Autonomy and Social Selves 5. Retrieving Positive Freedom and Why it Matters 6. Republicanism and the Market in "Two Concepts of Liberty" Part III: Democratic Pluralism and National Self-Determination 7. Berlin and Democracy 8. Making Sense of Negative Liberty: Berlin's Antidote to Political Rationalism 9. Berlin, Tagore, and the Dubious Legitimacy of Nationalism Part IV: Berlin and Critical Theories of Freedom 10. Berlin, Feminism, and Positive Liberty 11. From Rationalism to Micro-Power: Freedom and Its Enemies 12. The World of Negative Liberty: Reading Isaiah Berlin through Weak Ontology 13. Critical Theory, Ecology, and "What's Wrong With Negative Liberty"