I. Historical Moorings of Indian Society 1. Historical Moorings of Indian Society 2. Six Traditional Philosophical Systems 3. Bases of Traditional Indian Social System 4. Impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity on Indian Society II. Village India 5. Some Aspects of Rural Society 6. Agrarian Social Structure and Social Organisation of Agriculture 7. Impact of Market Economy on India's Village 8. Some Other Facets of Village India 9. Rural Reconstruction and Planning 10. Social Change in Village India III. Social Stratification in India 11. Social Stratification: Caste Dynamics IV. Religion and Society 12. Religions and Religious Communities 13. Issues in in Personal Laws and Fundamentalism 14. Secularism, Communalism and Fundamentalism 15. Religious and Linguistic Minorities V. Weaker Sections in India 16. Scheduled Tribes: Concept, Problems and Development 17. Scheduled Castes: Problems and Development 18. Other Backward Classes VI. Women and Society 19. Women and Society in India: Different Facets VII. Population Dynamics 20. Racial/Ethnic and Linguistic Composition of Indian Population 21. Demographic Profile, Population Policy and its Valuation VIII. Dynamics of Change 23. Social Movements in India 24. Social Change in Modern India